Saturday 16 July 2011

Volunteer Garden Transformation Project For Hull School

We have been asked to get involved with a Hull primary school to help transform a currently disused and somewhat overgrown part of the school grounds.

The picture above shows what we are tasked with and gives us a fantastic opportunity in which to showcase exactly what we can do with a bit of imagination and a lot of help and determination.

The aim of the project is to create an "Outdoor Classroom" something which can be used by the children to explore and learn and enjoy. The area already has a pond built into it although in a sad state of repair, and also features a rather fantastic "Wildlife Mound" which has all manner of wild flowers, insects and butterflies which many architects are now trying to recreate in towns and cities on high rise roofs. We plan to make the most of these features and at the same time create new areas within the Garden Classroom whereby children and students can interact with nature and get hands on experiece of how things grow and transform throughout the year.

Below is an early plan of what we would like to achieve and all the while using low maintenance and environmentally sensitive products and materials to create this new and exciting space.

What this space for more updates and information on how this project takes shape....

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