Saturday 16 July 2011

What a month!!!

Well, what an incredible month it's been some may say even Unreal!! We ended June with the 2011 Lincolnshire Show which we treated as our official if somewhat belated launch event. We had the help and support of Tina O Brien a well known and highly respected serial entrepreneur from Scarborough who cut the ribbon to the stand.

I have to say a massive thank you to my mother in law Wendy, Brother in law Guy, and great friends Nick Heywood, George & Emma Fulton and Dawn Nicholson for the parts they all played in helping us make the show the success that it was. And last but by no means least my amazing wife Nina whom without her, none of this would have been possible. Wendy, Nick, Guy, Nina and Dawn all worked tirelessly in what were incredibly long days fetching, carrying and indeed selling on the stand. Guy was an absolute trooper all the way through too helping with the construction of the stand in what almost turned out to be a disaster as the wind decided to convert our Gazebo into an Unreal work of twisted art. Nick proved that as a Salesman through and through, it doesn't matter what it is you are selling, its the relationship you develop with your customers that determines your success.

Dawn baked some absolutely amazing cup cakes which went down a real treat along with the Champagne we offered as part of our launch - we really do think you should start up the Unreal Cup Cakes side of the business Dawn - quite possibly the best cakes we have had - even if we ate them for breakfast lunch and dinner!!!

The garden we built was extremely well received - some may even say it was too good as some people didn't actually grasp that practically everything we had on display was of an artificial nature. Our Unreal Hanging Baskets were very popular so much so we are on our second stock turn already, as were our incredibly realistic topiary bushes.

The lawn we had laid out also drew plenty of attention from visitors and their dogs and we received some very promising enquiries and leads. So all in all we have to say a resounding success even if the weather did spoil itself somewhat. Thank you to all our visitors who braved the rain and thank you to all who placed orders with us, we hope you are completely satisfied with your purchases and hopefully all our customers think the garden transformations we have carried out across Lincolnshire on their behalf are truly Unreal and are being enjoyed to the max.

Lincolnshire Show 2011

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