Saturday 28 May 2011

Unreal Friday!!

Well what a day that was!! I have to say that I am constantly amazed at how the whole internet networking thing works. Having being involved in digital marketing for some time and being behind successful websites Rite,, and I would say I thought I was getting old hat at this sort of stuff - but Oh how wrong I was!!!

Websites are great and an absolute must for practically any business these days, but its no longer enough to be just a website, it has to be functional, it has to be good looking and most of all it has to flaunt itself to the ever incredible search engine - and the rules for doing so are ever changing!!
I set up Unreal Solutions with all of the above at the forefront of my conscience. I wanted something for everyone, the company is specialist in its field of lanscaping product supplies and focussed in what it does, its website needs to be attractive yet organised and functional, its staff are friendly, professional and knowledgeable, it will offer a wide range of products but only the best products for the task at hand - customers will be able to visit and we will visit them and above all else we will listen to their requirements and offer choice and a service to find whatever it is the customer is looking for - even if we don't currently sell it!!

We see the growth and popularity of social and proessional networking platforms Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, and we have a new opportunity to present our businesses and its offerings and it is predicted that Facebook will become the biggest business ever overtaking the likes of Google in the not too distant future which when you consider that it was conceived in a certain young man's bedroom less than 10 years ago puts some perspective on the way things are shaping up. How many times have you seen facebook mentioned on TV ads these days?

We placed Facebook and Twitter high on our priority list to develop the company name at a very early stage and linked all the business accounts, the website and the company blog together to continue its exponential growth and considering we only really kicked off vigorously pushing the new company in March, the growth is nothing short of astounding. I have to confess the brilliance behind this is my amazing and talented wife Nina, without whom none of which would have been possible so soon.

I like to think between us we created something very special and ultimately something which will evolve to include different businesses operating in different markets and industries - but for the time being the objective is heavily focussed on growing the part of the business called Unreal Gardens which specialises in low maintenance and artificial garden and landscape product supplies. There's a long way to go yet, but it's not about completing the journey, its about enjoying the ride, and the longer the ride, the better as far as we're concerned. We hope to make the Unreal experience as interesting and enjoyable for everyone we interact with.
- U.S.

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