Thursday 2 June 2011

Grass Protection Mesh

Well having had such a fabulous week and a busy one at that I figured it was time to add to the Unreal Blog again, and I have to say I wasn't sure what to Blog about first, so there may well follow another post after this one.

I'd like to talk a little about another fabulous range of products we can offer which are suitable for a wide range of applications and not least of all the domestic homeowners. Grass Protection Mesh is a fantastic product which is very simple to install and very effective at doing what it says on the tin - protecting grass!!

The system is a kind of stiff, extruded netting which when laid on top of existing grass, protects the root system from damage caused by frequent trafficking be it pedestrian or vehicular. The product is a none invasive system meaning little or no prior preparation is required, simply measure the total area required and then decide which variety is best for the application at hand.

Our Grass Protection Mesh does not require any planning permission and can be installed very quickly and providing the area is not over used and the grass is allowed to grow prior to first use - the system will save time and money and put otherwise inaccessible land to good use for overspill parking areas, events, golf courses parks and gardens, and other areas at risk from frequent trafficking.

The grass must be allowed to grow through the mesh as it is this which provides the mesh with its optimum strength binding the grass sytem together and strengthening the surface tension. Spring & summer are the ideal times to install due to rapid grass growth, although it can be installed during winter, but usage must be ket to a minimum until the grass grows through.

The picture above really shows what happens when the are is used too quickly. What needs to happen here is that the whole area be cordoned off and re seeded and left untouched for probably 12 months until the new grass area is completely sewn into the mesh.

Grass protection meshes can be great for the homeowner too as children gradually grow and learn to drive, then suddenly the two car driveway needs to become 3 or maybe even 4 car acceptable. If you have a front lawn (and lets face it - who actually "uses" their front lawn these days) then by adding grass protection mesh you are quickly and affordably extending your driveway and making maximum use of your garden space.

Ideal for agricultural use too for farm tracks, and equine uses as well as field gateways etc, and also for local authority use, for making their parks and gardens more useable and accessible to all.

For more information or to discuss any requirements you may have why not call us on 01472 235619 or drop us and email to We would be only too pleased to hear from you and offer our unequalled service and recomendations without any obligation.

More coming soon.

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