Friday 17 June 2011

Green Fingered - Or Deadly Touch??

I have to say that by no means am I a florist or very "green fingered" but now I've invested in some Unreal Tree's & Hanging Baskets, I don't need to be either....woohoo!!!

Yes I can turn my hand to a bit of tree lopping and I have even managed to nurture an almost dead miniature rose tree back to health!!! I am quite good at creating or designing minimalist kind of spaces, that are practical and largely enjoyable, but I do love to see flowers tree's and greenery in my garden. Our garden is largely decked out at the rear, which is fabulous for those balmy summers evenings and great for entertaining (Frank Sinatra eat your heart out!!) but we have very few places or areas where we could actually "Grow" anything give or take the odd hole in the decking where the weeds seem to make their way through, and with that in mind we seem to spend hundreds of pounds every year on potted plants, tree's, bushes and anything else which seems a good idea at the time when we all venture out of hibernation come the long awaited Springtime, and every year those said plants and flowers die either due to harsh winters (see all the lifeless palm tree's dotted around lately) or long drought periods through summer.

Well this year we decided to turn a leaf (no pun intended) and practice what we preach. We've added a range of artificial hanging baskets to the Unreal range of products as well as a range of artificial tree's. We are also in the process of setting up an artificial tree hire company for those customers who need products to simply borrow short term.

I have to say though, you'd be hard pressed to be able to tell the difference (from a distance of course) between the real thing and the Unreal, low cost, zero maintenance, re-usable and ultra realistic alternatives. The only thing missing is the bee's which are sadly in decline, but on the same token if the bee's are gone then so too are the wasps - and that is by no means a sad thing in my way of looking at things.

I have a certain fascination with Bee's and being an Unreal fan as I quite obviously am, I am actually working on what I can do to counter act this contradiction of interests. I did quite a lot of research into Roof Gardens or Green Roofs as they are also known, and one of the terminologies used to classify green roofs is Bio diverse or Extensive and Brown Roofs. These feature what can only be described as wild flower and meadow land but high up in our towns and cities, attracting all kinds of insects, birds and wildlife which also require minimal maintenance - which is what Unreal Gardens or should we say Unreal Solutions is really all about - Creating low maintenance landscapes and open spaces using a variety of products and systems which either enhance, protect or benefit the environment in some way shape or form and ultimately for the greater good.

So for all those who are screaming at me for being partly responsible for the demise of our planet, we have to stop and say what are the real problems which lie beneath and what can we do to resolve these issues?

  • Global Warming
  • Water Shortages
  • Insect Decline
  • Landfill Excess
  • Food Shortages
  • Fossil Fuel Shortages
The list goes on and on, and for every answer there is a negative to compound it. We can't take on everything at once, but we can make a difference bit by bit, and its that what I want us to do at Unreal Solutions - Make A Difference, and with you our customers, we will.

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